
Well let me introduce my self and this..blog..thing. I will mainly use this to have the occasional rant, put some of my random stuff here, such as videos, images. Well, I will try to make it as nice as I can. But it probably wont be something for those that do not like swearing, and or other typical teenage antics. But thanks for checking my blog out none the less :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Long time no update

Well, this is the first blog entry of the new year. Yayyy HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!1
Now on to some other, relatively serious matters;

Since I was banned from youtube in November, I got my account unbanned after a week, which meant I could go through with my goal to reach 200 videos, which I reached with 1 day to spare in 2011. Now that we are in 2012 I have a new goal for the end of the year, Which I shall say in a moment dear reader.

I have also started a new walkthrough series on my channel, (Click here to see) where I play game demos, and a series for a new game I am playing ( click the link to see it ). I also plan on starting a Minecraft Survivle series ( single player) with a bunch of mods. I have already installed the mods onto my minecraft file and am ready to start recording the series, but I don't have a name for it, nor do I have the amount of viewers/subscribers that would actually help with the series.

Of course, I also need to find myself a job, and move out, so that I can actually start doing youtube properly, at any time of day seeing as whilst living with my parents, I only have a limited time space that I can actually be loud and not be shouted at for being so. Also, I need to advertise my youtube channel to get viewers & subscribers so that the possibility of being partnered would arise.

I am, though, working with some other gamers on youtube making videos, and have to organize what to do with a new friend. All shall be revealed.

Oh, and before I forget, my new goals ( or resolutions ) for 2012 are to 1) Get up to 600 (or more) videos on youtube, 2) start building a subscriber base, 3) get a job 4) save money that I get, rather than spending it on new games on steam and at the pub. & of course 5) what all people do or say as a new years resolution/goal for the new year, lose at least 20+ pounds. or 20+kg throughout the year. Knowing me, 1 is the only one that will actually happen.

Thanks for reading,
            - BK

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