
Well let me introduce my self and this..blog..thing. I will mainly use this to have the occasional rant, put some of my random stuff here, such as videos, images. Well, I will try to make it as nice as I can. But it probably wont be something for those that do not like swearing, and or other typical teenage antics. But thanks for checking my blog out none the less :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

College Interviews

Hello, if you are reading this, it is probable that you have come from the v-log, or my facebook.. or my twitter, either way. Lets get this thing started;

So I had a interview on Monday for Job Seekers, which was just to help me find a job, and to get a little extra money, for travel to a from work (if I manage to get any) and a bit of money on the side. Well that was at 10:40am in Stevenage town.. I woke up at 11:20am -.-' well that's one day gone. I didn't call them to tell them that I had over slept or anything, which was a bad idea. But I am going to try and apply again when I get back from Italy in August. Why wait until then to book another interview, I don't hear you ask? Well it's mainly because I won't be in England until August, and it takes less than a week to process, from what I have seen, and I don't want to have the interview, if I get it, whilst I'm on holiday. So yeah.


I had two interviews today (Wednesday 13th July) The first one for Media Production. Well we (me & the teacher) decided it wasn't really something I was interested in, which is actually true. Before I got into the interview ( which I was 40 minuets late to, due to train time tables but that's in my vlog at: (V-log) I thought that the course would be composed of Image and/or video editing, and recording. Which is in fact something I am interested in. But it was mainly theory and research, which is something that I am not, I repeat, NOT interested in. So yeh.

The second interview was for Music Tech. Which before I went into the interview I thought was mainly about making music via music software (such as Logic, Pro-Tools etc.) which I, again, am interested in. Mainly because it is something I do (make music, that is), and I would have loved to study and gain a decent amount of knowledge for that and attempt to get into the music industry and become a producer (the kind that make the music). When I actually got into the interview, I found out that it was mainly about the recording side of the music industry, i.e. working in a recording studio, mixing the audio etc. I had/have the grades to get into the level 3 course, and I have done a level 2 course already, so I could get into it. But they said, and I quote ' you don't seem to be very sure you want to do this, I think you just want to get back to college and not have to get a job'. Dude, I've been trying to get a job for 2 years, and I did the damn Electrics course because my parents got me to. It was not something I was interested in, but I finished it to get the damn qualification! Ugh.

Also, the guy was a bit of a douche about the fact I was late to the first interview, over exaggerating ' If you were 40 minuets late to a job interview you wouldn't get the job' Oh really? I'm sorry I don't own the god damn train. I know his point, and I understand what he meant. But really? No need to to mention it more than 3 times, and especially if I don't really have any control over it. Yes I could have left half an hour earlier, but I am not looking to see if there are no delayed train at 8am! Ugh. None the less.

Oh, also I have done the workings out and have to the conclusion that I will spending around £50 a week.. which is £200 a month = roughly £2,400 a year ( only counting college days, Mon - Fri ) on traveling to and from Welwyn Garden City. That's a lot of money. Plus it's a two year course, so thats £4,800 (around that) in both years, of just train travel. I would not be earning any money in the mean time, because its a 9am-5pm course, and a lot of the work/research is to be done at home. Ah, what I will not do for college.

I am going to be looking  for courses here in Stevenage, at the college here in town. I'll see if there's is anything that I am interested in and possibly

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