
Well let me introduce my self and this..blog..thing. I will mainly use this to have the occasional rant, put some of my random stuff here, such as videos, images. Well, I will try to make it as nice as I can. But it probably wont be something for those that do not like swearing, and or other typical teenage antics. But thanks for checking my blog out none the less :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Plantronics GameCom 367 Closed Ear Gaming Headset Review

Hello. My friend went to America and got me these headphones (image) and I have been using them for the past few days, and today I felt like I should write a little review about the.. Even though I will probably do a video review, demonstrating them and showing them. Okay, let's go:

The Plantonic GameCon 367 headset is actually really comfortable. The ear-pods fit around your ears, and as the box says, there is no pressure on your ears, it is evenly distributed around them so you can sit them comfortably on your head. Being closed ear headsets everything around you is much quieter so you can keep focused on what ever it is you are doing, be it gaming, playing music, or making music, or even on skype with friends & family.

The cable length is around 6.5FT and has 3.5MM gold plated plugs - or jacks if you call them that, like me- and a small click wheel style volume/mic control halfway up the cable. Trust me, these things are loud!
The sound is amazing, the feel is great, I'm not sure what the material Plantonic used for the ear-pods and the bit that rests on your head, but I want a truck full of it, or at least enough to cover my room with.

It does also have a mic, at first glance you wouldn't believe me. But when you look carefully you can see a hidden mic boom on the left. For easy access. Once pulled out, you can extend it by what seems like less than 1inch, but makes a lot of difference.

I may be saying this because I love - Love, with a capital 'L' - this headset, but I honestly can not find a fault in these, for now. I'm sure along the line something will develop. But that will probably just be ware & tare, and me being a clumsy idiot and dropping them. The only complain I DO have, is the 6FT cable, I think it's too long. But I won't as soon as I get a new computer and will have the wires round the back of the tower.

So as it seems, I give these 9/10.

Why 9/10 and not 10/10? Because, if you keep them on for a long time with not regular intervals, you will started to swear around your hears because of the material of the 'ear-pods' does not let anything in the space. Also, these ( I'm not sure if my headset was slightly damaged in transit or not) leak a lot of sound.

Other than that, I think they are amazingly perfect. Especially for what I need them for, and for regular computer gamers. Tomorrow I will show the off, if you will, and demonstrate how the are.

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