
Well let me introduce my self and this..blog..thing. I will mainly use this to have the occasional rant, put some of my random stuff here, such as videos, images. Well, I will try to make it as nice as I can. But it probably wont be something for those that do not like swearing, and or other typical teenage antics. But thanks for checking my blog out none the less :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This weekend..

I have no recollection of neither Friday nor Saturday, but I shall blame that on my rubbish memory, anywho, So Sunday was Father's Day, so we had a BBQ -as my family do for most 'holidays'- and then I went to the pub with my old man, my uncle and some dude we know, -he's like my dad's friend's sister's boyfriend or something.. Let's just call him a family friend, since him and his girlfriend have been staying with us for the past week and apparently the woman knows my dad from when they were teenagers or something, back to the story- and ordered some beers, so as a good 18yo son with some money, I payed for a round, and then they rang the bell -.-' ah well, all in all it was an okay Father's Day, he can't complain I didn't get him anything.

Then on Monday (yesterday) I went out with those family friends - referred to in the paragraph above- to St Albans, (UK) and hoped to a pub after walking for a while and had a pint.. or two. Since it was a week day my friend was at college, so me and the peeps* (* see above as 'family friends') agreed that it was okay for me to go off & meet up with my friends and they could go off to the museum thing they were going to go to. Once I met up with my friend, we hopped on a bus and went to Welwyn Garden City -(WGC)- and went to the town, they went gambling and I went along with them, they lost about £20 together (it was 2 of them gambling) after that, they got more money and we went off to the pub, drank a bit, and they gambled a bit more, & I wasted money of buying a ten pack of Mayfair, stupid I know mainly because of the brand, and yeh. So we had about 3/4 pints, of kopparberg -which is some Swedish mixed fruid cider which is really, REALLY nice!- and then 10pm crept up on us and it was time to head off home. So I had to get on the train and walk home as I gambled £3/4 and nearly won £140
So Close! :'(

OH, and I got cider in my eye as well -.-'

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